08 May 2012

May & moving in...

It's May. Like the fifth month of the year. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? It was just January yesterday...
Well, this just means another semester of school finished, and that it is now summer break.
You may cue the hallelujah chorus. 
This has been a very stressful and busy month. But things are looking up. 
I thought that these last set of finals were going to be the death of me. I have survived. Now I'm getting ready to make the move to a bigger town to start university... again. I did get a job already. Which is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. It just means that my sister and I will be roommates sooner than we expected. 
I'm glad that I don't have to pick up a stranger for a roommate. Having my sister means that I don't have to worry about explaining my strange quirks to people. My DVDs will always go back in their case, my dog doesn't have to "get used" to anyone, and best of all, decorating will be so fun and we haven't fought about any of it. 
We've decided on a few things that we just have to have.
David for her. via etsy
Billy for me. via etsy
This is hauntingly beautiful, therefore, necessary. via etsy

Our favorite movie.
I've picked out loads of other things on Urban and Modcloth and fredflare, but I think I'm getting carried away. I mean we already own a ton of stuff that we have to pack in to this tiny apartment. We painted a few days ago... It was torture. No air conditioning - Oklahoma decided to be hot that day. And it's amazing how many people say that they will help you with moving and painting until that time actually comes. I just like to paint. I do have the most killer leg cramps from squatting to get the base boards and standing on my toes to get higher up (I'm only 5'3.5" so that isn't really high...). We painted the dining/living room gray, my room purple (not a cheesy four-year old purple, but an elegant purple), and Emily's room is beigey. 
When we move in the first week of June, I'll show you pictures. For now, I am dog sitting at my mom's friend's house. She has nine dogs. NINE! They are all incredibly well behaved and very sweet. It's like watching only two dogs. I am very much a dog person. 
I think I need a little time away though. They wear me out...
Catch you later, sweets.

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