12 May 2012

Why she'll become a hipster...

I have got not one job, but two! And an offer for another! I am now employed at Penney's and at the cutest little coffee shop.
My boyfriend fears that because I'm working at this coffee shop I'll turn into a hipster, take up smoking pot, and start listening to emo music. Um... someone please tell me how I entered into a relationship with a guy that can't even get his stereotypes right. For that, I want to become the hippest hipster ever. With the vintage glasses, my thrift store dress, a top knot, and candy skull bracelet.

He also got upset because I have a pinterest board called "The men I need in my life". He's upset because he thinks I am going to leave him for Robert Downey Jr. or Johnny Depp or Matthew Gray Gubler. My boyfriend is a bit loony. Am I not allowed to admire God's glorious creations from afar? He's a cat person who hates dogs... this could be the reason for his slight insanity. I mean look at Johnny. How can mere mortals compete?
from Pinterest
ANYWAYS... Now that I've drooled all over my keyboard.
I'm so ready to go home. I've been here for a week and I've got cabin fever something fierce. I've watched My So-Called Life, Gilmore Girls, When Harry Met Sally, Easy A (for the first time... it was great), and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (for the hundred millionth time). I've also wasted countless hours on the internet. Did I mention that I'm in the middle of nowhere - like Courage the Cowardly Dog middle of nowhere. I've been on blogs, Rookie, online shopping, and Pinterest.

Where I read this:
"According to Greek Mythology, 
humans were originally created with 
four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. 
Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, 
condemning them to spend their lives 
in search of their other halves."
Plato's The Symposium

Basically, I am now just worried that I'll never find my other half. Someone who is alike me enough for us to have common interests and get along; and just different enough to be exciting and fun. 

So here I am - moved to a new town, starting new jobs, getting my little life together. Watch out world here I come!

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